Mental Health of Parents during COVID-19


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has profoundly changed everyone’s day-to-day life. To begin with, most schools and businesses went entirely online, airlines stopped operating, and people were confined to their homes. Moreover, stay-at-home orders meant disrupted contact with families, friends, and communities. As a result, Mental Health Parents COVID-19 issues have emerged as a significant concern. As we pass the half-year mark since the pandemic outbreak, many of us continue to grapple with the daily challenges and fears brought on by COVID-19.

COVID-19 and Mental Health: The Perfect Storm for Parents

Fear and Uncertainty

In the early stages of the pandemic, most of us worried about daily living essentials like lockdowns, restricted mobility, and supply shortages. However, as time passed, coronavirus anxiety gradually evolved into a significant concern. Consequently, people feared losing jobs, struggling with childcare, and facing financial hardship.

Unique Pressures Faced by Parents

For parents, uncertainty is tangled with responsibility. Consequently, they were overwhelmed by the new “normal,” not knowing what to expect from life while still needing to support their families. Therefore, this combination of uncertainty and responsibility profoundly impacts mental health, significantly increasing anxiety, depression, and other psychological concerns.

Impact on Family Dynamics and Child Development

Studies indicate that families experiencing hardships due to COVID-19, such as illness, death, childcare burdens, unemployment, and income loss, consequently show a decline in children’s and parents’ mental health. Furthermore, the frequency of daily negative moods increased significantly during the lockdown.

Common Mental Health Challenges for Parents

Anxiety and Depression

As expected, anxiety symptoms have surged during the pandemic. Mental health experts are concerned that anxiety, depression, and self-harming behaviours will significantly increase after the pandemic.

Burnout and Exhaustion

Many parents have juggled work, childcare, and household chores for months. Multitasking can take a toll on psychological well-being, physical health, and relationships.

Grief and Loss

The death of loved ones and the loss of normalcy have left many families grieving. The Human Rights Watch predicts the crisis will have a devastating impact on many children, leaving them orphaned and vulnerable.

Practical Strategies for Managing Mental Health

Prioritize Self-Care

During these challenging times, therefore, self-care absolutely must be a priority. In particular, quality sleep, a healthy diet, exercise, and relaxation practices all protect against anxiety symptoms while promoting happiness and well-being.

Set Boundaries and Routines

Establish routines and rules at home. Moreover, help kids understand that parents need to finish their work before playing or helping with homework. Additionally, respect your children’s need for time alone.

Seek Support and Connection

Firstly, reach out to friends, family, or support groups. Moreover, even virtual connections can provide emotional support and ultimately help parents feel less isolated.

Promoting Family Well-being During COVID-19

Encourage Open Communication

Talk openly about feelings and fears. Create a safe space where family members can share their emotions without judgment.

Foster Positive Activities

Engage in family activities like board games, cooking together, or watching a movie. Positive experiences can strengthen family bonds.

Practice Gratitude Together

Encourage family members to express gratitude daily. This simple practice can shift focus from worries to positive aspects of life.


In conclusion, while it’s natural to feel anxious, stressed, and depressed in times of crisis, too much worry and fear can ultimately destabilize coping strategies and impair health. Therefore, by prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and fostering positive family dynamics, parents can more effectively navigate the mental health challenges brought on by COVID-19.


  1. How can I help my child cope with the uncertainty of COVID-19?Encourage open communication, establish routines, and reassure them that it’s okay to feel scared or anxious.

  2. What are some simple self-care practices for overwhelmed parents?Focus on quality sleep, healthy meals, short relaxation breaks, and engaging in enjoyable activities.
  3. How can I balance working from home with parenting during the pandemic?
    Set clear boundaries between work and family time, establish routines, and communicate expectations with your children.
  4. How does COVID-19 impact children’s mental health?
    Children may experience increased anxiety, depression, or behavioural changes due to disrupted routines, isolation, and parental stress.
  5. Where can I find mental health support as a parent during COVID-19?
    Seek support from friends, family, or online parenting groups. Mental health professionals are also available through telehealth services.