COVID-19 OHIP Billing

NOTICE: As of May 1, 2020 – COVID-19 fee codes can be submitted to OHIP for payment!

Temporary COVID-19 Billing Codes

Telephone or Video Assessments DX – 080 – Coronavirus

In support of the government’s efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario, the Minister of Health has temporarily listed as insured services the provision of assessments of or counselling to insured persons by telephone or video, or advice and information to patient representatives by telephone or video, as well as a temporary sessional fee code. These codes came into effect March 2020.

Physicians can begin to submit claims for COVID-19 as of May 1, 2020.

K080 – $23.75
Minor assessment  of a patient by phone/video (< 10 mins) regarding health maintenance, diagnosis, treatment and/or prognosis

K081 – $36.85
(a) Intermediate assessment  of a patient by phone/video (min. 10 mins)
(b) Psychotherapy, Psychiatric or primary mental health care

K082 – $67.75
Psychotherapy, Psychiatric or primary mental health care, counselling or interview (1/2hr or major part thereof)
K083 – $5.00
Specialist consultation or visit by telephone or video
H409 – $170.00 per hour
COVID-19 Sessional Fees  – per 1hr period, or major part thereof on any day including weekends and holidays
H410 – $220.00
Per 1 hr period, or major part thereof on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or Monday to Friday afterhours (5pm-7am)

OHIP COVID-19 Bulletins